Integration of Jenkins Request node with IBM App Connect
In this blog, we will learn about Integration of Jenkins Request node with IBM App Connect.
Using Jenkins with IBM App Connect
The following objects are actionable via App Connect
- Projects
- Builds
To use App Connect to integrate Jenkins with your other applications, you need to connect App Connect to your account by providing the following information:
- Application URL: The application URL of the instance in the format http://hostname.
- Username: The username for the account.
- Password: The password for the specified username.
- Network name: The network name that App Connect connects to in order to get access to your computer.
Use the Jenkins Request node to establish a connection with Jenkins and send requests to take action on objects like builds and projects. To connect to Jenkins and carry out operations on objects like Builds, you can utilize the Request node in a message flow.
Builds can be started, stopped, retrieved, or deleted. You can also download console output, build artefacts, queued build information, queued build cancellations, and the most recent build. Projects can be retrieved, enabled, disabled, or deleted, or their existence can be confirmed.
The activities of the Request node are synchronous and non-transactional, therefore they will still succeed even if a message flow fails and rolls back after the Request node.
By invoking App Connect Endpoint URL, we retrieved the deploy bar project information like build name, build status and estimated Time Duration using Postman Testing Tool in the below
Further you can use above information for different scenarios like below.
Retrieve the last build/Deploy from Jenkins and, if the build fails, create an issue in Jira if an issue doesn’t already exist
Consider this scenario where you use App Connect to develop a flow for an API that, when used, gets the most recent build information from Jenkins. If there isn’t an issue on Jira already, one gets created if the build fails.