LDAP integration With IBM App Connect
Here in this blog, we will learn about LDAP integration with IBM App Connect.
Here we are implementing LDAP Integration with IBM App Connect V12.0.5.0.Light Weight Directory Access Protocol is referred to as LDAP. It used to access and manage directory information. It contains information like groups, user account and directory-related data. It is commonly used for authentication and authorization in networks. Below are the features LDAP server:
- Distinguished Name (DN): Each entry in the Light Weight Directory Access Protocol directory has a unique Distinguished Name located within the directory tree.
E.g.: OU = CENTRAL OFFICE OFFICERS, OU = CENTRAL OFFICER - LDAP URL: Light Weight Directory Access Protocol URLs are used to locate and access entries in the LDAP directory. LDAP URL Contains information like server’s hostname, port number, and the DN of the entry.
E.g.: Idap://xxxxx.in:389/dc: xxx, dc = in; - Attributes: Light Weight Directory Access Protocol directory store information in the form of attributes. Attributes are defined by object classes also includes information such as names, addresses, phone numbers etc.,
LDAP is widely used in various applications and services like:
- Authentication and Authorization
- Email Systems
- Intranet and Internet Directories
- Web Applications
- Networking Devices
Light Weight Directory Access Protocol servers perform operations like search, add, modify, delete, and bind. Various programming languages provide Light Weight Directory Access Protocol APIs for developers to interact with LDAP servers programmatically.
Use case of Light Weight Directory Access Protocol Server with IBM APP Connect
- User Authentication: Light Weight Directory Access Protocol server’s stores user credentials like usernames and passwords and enable authentication for accessing network resources. web applications integrate with Light Weight Directory Access Protocol for user authentication
- Organizational Information: Light Weight Directory Access Protocol server stores different types of information related to an organization such as employee details, contact information and organizational structure.
- Address Book Services: Light Weight Directory Access Protocol is used to store and retrieve address book information in email systems.
Configurations steps:
- Create a Java project which contains Light Weight Directory Access Protocol Configuration.
- To work with java project, create one application in the IBM App Connect.
- Here we are using the compute node to call the java project.
- Deploy the application in the integration server.
LDAP Integration using java code:
Now create the Application in the toolkit, and create a procedure in the application to call the java project. The sample code is shown in the above. Now deploy the application in the integration server and test the application.