Enhancing the accessibility of Quay.io
Here in this blog, we are going to learn how to enhance the accessibility of Quay.io.
The Quay team is thrilled to let you know that Quay.io can now be found on the Amazon Marketplace. In order to increase user access, this builds upon the current credit-card-based subscriptions. Furthermore, you can now order Quay.io entitlements straight from your Red Hat sales representative. Users will find it simpler to manage invoicing for their subscription Quay.io accounts and pay for usage up front as part of cycles related to enterprise budgeting.
- Listing on the AWS Marketplace (LINK)
- Speak with a Hater
- Login to Quay.io
Until now, personal credit cards with an outside billing company that isn’t connected with the Red Hat Order Management Process have been the only way to purchase private repositories on Quay.io. Customers could only buy the service straight from the Quay.io website, which charges a monthly fee and needs a working credit card to complete the transaction. Furthermore, Quay.io subscribers who paid for their service were not able to submit support tickets or check their subscription status directly through Red Hat support channels like the Red Hat Customer Portal. Red Hat Quay.io’s full feature set will now be more easily and widely accessible thanks to these modifications.
Increased accessibility
Purchases can now be made directly from Quay.io through the AWS Marketplace or Red Hat Sales agents. AWS users can easily pay for Quay.io and begin using private repositories and team management features by using their AWS billing account and applying funds from their hybrid committed spend budget.
Adaptable modes of purchase
Customers can now choose to flexibly order the necessary numbers of private repositories in multiples of 100 as part of a stackable, yearly subscription that includes Red Hat’s round-the-clock Premium Support, regardless of whether they purchase through Red Hat directly or through the AWS Marketplace. There are also discounts based on volume.
Clients using it who own multiple organizations can simply purchase multiple, independent subscriptions with the necessary number of private repository entitlements. They can then freely assign their available it subscriptions to any organization they have administrative access to after logging into it with their Red Hat account. Customers can order more subscriptions at any time to supplement existing private repository entitlements in the event that capacity needs change.
Consumers can still buy Quay.io directly from Quay.io using a credit card, and they will also begin to see their monthly subscription charge in the Red Hat Customer Portal. As with other Red Hat product subscriptions, users can now handle it support requests directly from the portal.
This change is a part of an ongoing endeavor to maintain it’s open status as a hub for open source community collaboration while improving its integration into Red Hat’s managed services offerings. We recently moved Quay.io’s status page to status.redhat.com and enabled the new Quay.io UI inside the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console. It is simpler to utilize it and have a seamless transition to a managed container service registry by increasing the purchasing options.