Latest tips and tricks for working with Angular
Here in this blog, we will learn about the latest tips and tricks for working with Angular.
Ivy Renderer Optimization:
Angular’s Ivy renderer offers improved performance. Ensure you’re using Ivy by default in your Angular projects. You can enable it in the `tsconfig.json` file by setting `”enableIvy”: true`.
Lazy Loading:
Implement lazy loading to load modules and components only when they are needed. This reduces the initial bundle size, improving the application’s load time. Use the Angular Router to set up lazy-loaded routes.
Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation:
AOT compilation is recommended for production builds. It translates your Angular templates into highly optimized JavaScript code during the build process, resulting in faster rendering.
NgIf and NgFor TrackBy:
When using `*ngFor` and `*ngIf`, consider using the `trackBy` option. This can significantly improve performance by allowing Angular to track and reuse existing DOM elements when items are added or removed.
Angular CLI Commands:
Leverage Angular CLI commands to generate components, services, modules, etc. This not only speeds up development but also ensures consistency in project structure. For example, use `ng generate component my-component` to create a new component.
RxJS Best Practices:
Learn and apply best practices when working with RxJS, as it is a crucial part of Angular development. Use operators like `switchMap`, `debounceTime`, and `distinctUntilChanged` to optimize data flow in your applications.
Reactive Forms:
Utilize Angular Reactive Forms for complex form handling. They provide a more scalable and maintainable approach than template-driven forms. Leverage features like FormBuilder for concise and readable form code.
Angular Services:
Use Angular services to encapsulate logic and share data between components. Services are a crucial part of building modular and scalable applications. Use dependency injection to inject services where needed.
NgRx for State Management:
Consider using NgRx for state management in larger applications. NgRx provides a predictable state container using the Redux pattern, making it easier to manage and share application state.
Angular PWA Support:
Angular has built-in support for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). Utilize the Angular service worker to enable features like offline support, push notifications, and improved performance.
Remember to stay updated with the Angular documentation and community for the latest features and best practices. Angular evolves over time, and staying informed will help you make the most of its capabilities.