Aspera faspex with add-in for outlook
Components involved:
1. Aspera Enterprise Server: The IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server acts as a centralized server for hosting Aspera Faspex server with a valid license.
2. Aspera Faspex Server: The IBM Aspera Faspex server is a file exchange server installed on Aspera High-Speed Transfer server. With a web-based graphical interface, Faspex server is having more advanced options for high-speed transfer to match Organization’s workflow. Features: Web-based/Email-based Interface: Simple web and email interface for exchanging files and directories Package Forwarding: Giving the access to the users to forward the packages on the server to others (without re-uploading the packages) Email Notification: Create email notifications of Faspex events (such as receiving a package).
3. Microsoft Exchange Server: Here Exchange Server is mail server, which is configured in Faspex to exchange the mails among the Faspex users about file exchange information.
4. Aspera Add-in for Outlook: The IBM Aspera Add-in for Microsoft Outlook is a client software option for IBM Aspera Faspex, which extends the effective use of Aspera high-speed transfer capabilities to Outlook users. Senders compose emails and attach files using the standard email workflow, with no additional steps needed.
No Limits on Email Attachments:
• The email attachments can be a size, since the attachments are sent using FASP protocol, using Faspex Server.
• Email attachments can be encrypted for additional security.
• Attachments remain encrypted on the Faspex transfer server and must be decrypted by the recipient using a passphrase.
Integration with Outlook:
• The Aspera Add-in is installed on the client computer and is completely integrated with Microsoft Outlook.
• When a user clicks Send, the Aspera Add-in automatically sends the attachments to the recipient at high speed using Faspex, and sends the original email using Exchange, POP3.
• Attachments are sent directly from the Aspera client to the recipient using the Faspex transfer server.
• Once the transfer is initiated, the sender can return to their work while the transfer continues unattended in the background.
Use Case: The IBM Aspera Faspex server with add-in Outlook at client side is mainly used to exchange the large files of any size with high speed irrespective of network conditions and distance. This Aspera add-in Outlook tool allow large no of outlook users to send/receive files over longer distances with high speed using FASP technology.