Aspera shares/faspex servers and a files width aspera CLI
Components involved:
1. Aspera Faspex/Shares/A Files:The Servers and A Files are used to retrieve the data from the local machine and give the access to upload the data to their Nodes/Directories from the Aspera CLI configured machines.
2. Aspera CLI (Command Line Interface):IBM Aspera Command-Line Interface (the Aspera CLI) is a collection of Aspera tools for performing high-speed, secure data transfers from the command line. The Aspera CLI is for users and organizations who want to automate their transfer workflows.
Use Case: The IBM Aspera Command-Line Interface (CLI) is a lightweight shell scripting tool that be used to automate Faspex and Shares tasks without having to do additional coding. The CLI is for users and organizations that want to automate their transfer workflows; it provides an alternative to using the API for the same functionality.