MQ multi instance queueing
Multi-instance queue managers are instances of the same queue manager configured on different servers.
Benefits of Multi-instance Queueing:
1. 1. One instance of the queue manager is defined as the active instance and another instance is defined as the standby instance.
2. 2. If the active instance fails, the multi-instance queue manager restarts automatically on the standby server.
Components involved:
Software: IBM MQ V7.0 & above.
A multi-instance queue manager is one part of a high availability solution. You need some additional components to build a useful high availability solution.
Network storage: A high performance shared network file system (NFS) that manages locks correctly and provides protection against media and file server failure.
Create a multi-instance queue manager: Create a multi-instance queue manager, creating the queue manager on one server, and configuring IBM MQ on another server. Multi-instance queue managers share queue manager data and logs.
Failover or switchover: A standby queue manager instance takes over from the active instance either on request (switchover), or when the active instance fails (failover).
Channel and client reconnection: Channel and client reconnection is an essential part of restoring message processing after a standby queue manager instance has become active.
Data recovery and high availability: High availability solutions using multi-instance queue managers must include a mechanism to recover data after a storage failure.