IBM integration bus introduction
IBM Integration Bus is a lightweight, advanced enterprise service bus (ESB) that provides a broad range of integration capabilities that enable companies to rapidly integrate internal applications and connect to partner applications. Messages from business applications can be transformed, augmented and routed to other business applications. The types and complexity of the integration required will vary by company, application types, and a number of other factors. The product supports a wide range of protocols:
WebSphere MQ, JMS 1.1, HTTP and HTTPS, Web Services (SOAP and REST), File, Enterprise Information Systems (including SAP and Siebel), and TCP/IP. Supports a broad range of data formats:
Binary formats (C and COBOL), XML, and industry standards (including SWIFT, EDI, and HIPAA). You can also define your own data formats.
It supports many operations, including routing, transforming, filtering, enriching, monitoring, distribution, collection, correlation, and detection.
Features of IIB:
Utilize robust capabilities to address diverse integration requirements to meet the needs of any size project.
Help your entire organization make smarter business decisions by providing rapid access, visibility and control over data as it flows
Connect throughout an array of heterogeneous applications and web services, removing the need for complex point-point connectivity.
Provide extensive support for Microsoft applications and services to make the most of your existing Microsoft.NET skills and software investment.
Deliver a standardized, simplified and flexible integration foundation to help you more quickly and easily support business needs and scale with business growth.