XSL Transform Node
• Use the XSL Transform Node to convert an XML message to a different format using the rules specified by an XSL style sheet.
It is used to specify the generated message’s Message domain, Message set, Message type, and Message format.
• The XSLTransformnode is represented in the IBM Integration Toolkit and may be found in the Transformation drawer of the palette.
• There are three ways to provide the location of the style sheet to apply to this transformation.
• Use the XML data’s content in the message itself.
• In the local environment folder, enter a value.
• Make use of node characteristics.
• This node is used in the message flow.
• Consider the case of two organizations that communicate data on a regular basis. One could be finance-related, while the other could be bank-related. Despite the fact that the content is the same, the vocabulary utilized by the two is not. By implementing the rules of the provided style sheet, this node can convert one format to another.
• It’s made up of three terminals: In, Out, and Failure.
• In the diagram above, we’re utilizing the three nodes HTTP Input, XSL Transform, and HTTP Reply to send an XML message to the flow.