Comparison between Iconic and React Native

comparison between Ionic and React Native

Comparison between Ionic and React Native Here in this blog, we will learn comparison between Ionic and React Native Ionic and React Native are both popular frameworks for building cross-platform mobile applications, but they have different underlying technologies and philosophies. Here’s a brief comparison between Ionic and React Native: Ionic:  Technology Stack: Web Technologies: Ionic…

How to build desktop apps with electron using react.

How to build desktop apps with electron using react.

How to build desktop apps with electron using react. Here in this blog, we will learn how to build desktop apps with electron using react. Electron is a cross-platform desktop application framework that allows developers to build desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. A well-liked JavaScript package for creating user interfaces is called React.…

Using React to build serverless applications

Using React to build serverless applications

Using React to build serverless applications Here in this blog, we will learn how to build Serverless applications using react. Serverless applications are becoming increasingly popular due to their many advantages, such as scalability, cost-effectiveness, and ease of development. React is a popular front-end framework that can be used to build serverless applications. What is…

Using React to Build Cloud Native Applications

Using React to build cloud-native applications

Using React to build cloud-native applications Here in this blog, we will learn how to build cloud-native applications using React. Cloud-native applications are designed to take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing, such as scalability, elasticity, and resilience. React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and it is well-suited for building…

Custom Native Modules

Custom Native Modules

Custom Native Modules Here in this blog, we will learn about Custom Native Modules. React Native provides a vast range of APIs and libraries to build cross-platform mobile applications. However, there are situations when developers need to implement platform-specific features that are not available through React Native. In such cases, custom native modules come in…

React Context API

React Context API

React Context API Here in this blog, we will learn what is React Context API. Context: Context in React is a (kind of) new feature built-in API introduced in ​​React 16.3. It makes it possible to pass data from the parent component to the children component nested deep down the component tree directly, instead of…

UseMemo and UseCallback

UseMemo and useCallback

UseMemo and useCallback Here in this blog, we will learn about useMemo and useCallback. Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, React has become a cornerstone for building modern and efficient user interfaces. React’s functional components and hooks have revolutionized the way developers write and structure their code. Two such hooks, useMemo and useCallback,…

The latest and upcoming features of React JS

The latest and upcoming features of React JS

The latest and upcoming features of React JS Here in this blog, we will learn about the latest and upcoming features of React JS. User interfaces can be created using the JavaScript package React. It is declarative, efficient, and flexible. React is currently the most popular JavaScript library in use, and it is used by…

React Testing Library

React Testing Library

React Testing Library Here in this blog, we are going to learn about React Testing Library. React Testing Library is a testing utility that allows you to write tests that simulate user interactions with your components. It provides a simple and intuitive API for querying and interacting with your components and makes it easy to…