
Angular 5 Forms Update

Angular 5 Forms Update Angular 5 is here and many changes have been made to further improve the framework. You can now control for a form (or single form elements) when the value or the validity is updated. This feature has been available in AngularJS 1.x but missed in Angular 2+ so far. The following…

Intersection Observer API in JavaScript

Intersection Observer API in JavaScript The Intersection Observer API provides a way to asynchronously observe changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element or with a top-level document’s viewport. In short, an Intersection Observer provides a way to observe any element on the page and do something when it’s partially displayed,…


Hosting your React application with AWS

Hosting your React application with AWS Before we get started we need a couple of things set up on your computer Node 8.x environment installed on your computer This is the runtime environment for Javascript application servers. It follows with the node package manager (NPM). NPM is used to install node packages such as React,…

Building-a-Dynamic,-Controlled-Form-with-React (1)

Building a Dynamic, Controlled Form with React

Building a Dynamic, Controlled Form with React React makes building UI’s in JavaScript easy, but some things can still be a bit tricky to wrap your head around, things like dynamic forms. A dynamic form is one where the user is able to decide how many inputs there should be. For this code along, we’re…

Javascript vs Typescript

Javascript vs Typescript Before we compare javascript and typeScript, get into details about TypeScript, let’s just settle one thing. In terms of popularity, the efforts of Microsoft developers definitely paid off. According to the latest State of Frontend 2020 report, TypeScript popularity couldn’t be doing better. Not only do frontend developers believe that JavaScript will…

Using Life-Cycle Methods with React Hooks

life-cycle methods into functional components and hooks. If you started using React with the class components and are not comfortable with this transformation, this tutorial is just for you. For sake of organization, here are the topics I will be going over. Life-cycle Methods Life-cycle methods might look a little bit trickier compared to what…

React vs Angular

React vs Angular We will be comparing two most popular frameworks for web development in 2020 and we take following aspects to conclude which one is better : ● How mature is it and who’s behind it? What kind of features does it have? ● What architecture, development paradigms, and patterns does it employ? ●…