
Using Templates to Implement Policy-Based Governance at Scale

Using Templates to Implement Policy-Based Governance at Scale As mentioned in this weblog post, Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes (RHACM) governance affords an effective coverage framework for governing configurations to the preferred nation wanted for high-quality practices throughout your fleet of controlled clusters. A ConfigurationPolicy object, wherein configurations are targeted to the coverage…


ReactJS Seems to be the Future of Web Development

ReactJS Seems to be the Future of Web Development ReactJS, the powerful UI toolkit for JavaScript, has a lot to offer in practice, making it the top option for web development. Let’s examine the benefits of ReactJS over alternative libraries for businesses when it comes to front-end project requirements. ReactJS can be the number one…

Integrating Native modules into React native Android

Integrating Native Modules into React native Android: Why Native Modules? Sometimes we need to use native functionalities which are not available in React Native. To implement native functionalities we use native module android: – java, kotlin IOS: – Swift, objective-cThe native module system helps you to use native API code written in java, kotlin, Swift,…

Top and best JavaScript Frameworks For 2022

Top and best JavaScript Frameworks For 2022 When we think of single-page app development, we immediately think of JavaScript frameworks. Single-page web applications are popular these days, and most firms that formerly relied on desktop apps are increasingly switching to cloud-based web apps based on JavaScript frameworks. If you’re intending to create a single-page web…

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A Beginner’s Guide to GraphQL

A Beginner’s Guide to GraphQL One of the most commonly discussed terms today is the API. A lot of people don’t know exactly what an API is. Basically, API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is, as the name says, an interface with which people — developers, users, consumers — can interact with data. You…

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Types Of For Loops Statements In Javascript

Three Types of Loop statements for Javascript As Follows: For For…in For…off For Loop statements for Javascript: The syntax for For loop Javascript: for ([initialization]; [condition]; [final-expression]) statement initialization An expression (including assignment expressions) or variable declaration is evaluated once before the loop begins. Typically used to initialize a counter variable. This expression may optionally…


Using CSS Module Scripts to import stylesheets

Using CSS Module Scripts to import stylesheets With the new CSS module scripts feature, you can load CSS style sheets with import statements, just like JavaScript modules. The style sheets can then be applied to documents or shadow roots in the same manner as constructive stylesheets. This can be more convenient and more performant than…