
Expo SDK 41 – Highlights

Expo SDK 41 – Highlights Highlights Android apps now target Android R (11 / SDK 30). This comes with some significant changes for location permissions, media library (related to StorageAccessFramework), and constants. Please note that these changes also impact SDK <= 40 projects in Expo Go, but they will not impact SDK <= 40 standalone apps.…

JavaScript-Pass-By-Value-Function-Parameters (2)

JavaScript Pass By Value Function Parameters

JavaScript Pass By Value Function Parameters So, to talk through what’s happening here, I’m creating a variable called fruit and assigning it to a string ‘raspberry’, then I pass fruit to a function which creates and returns a function called logger which should log the fruit when called. When I call that function, I get…

Listify-a-JavaScript-Array (2)

Listify a JavaScript Array

Listify a JavaScript Array Make a human readable list from an array in JavaScript. When you want to display a list of items to a user, I’m afraid .join(‘, ‘) just won’t cut it: Ok, so bust out your string concat skills right? That’s what I did… but holdup, there’s a better way: Have you…

Angular-Ngrx-DevTools (2)

Angular Ngrx DevTools

Angular Ngrx DevTools What are the Ngrx DevTools? The Ngrx DevTools are a Chrome / Firefox browser extension that includes a UI for inspecting and interacting with a Ngrx-based application. As an example, here is a screenshot of the Ngrx DevTools in action: The main features of the Ngrx DevTools As we can see, inside…

How-to-create-a-simple-code-with-React-&-Node (2)

How to create a simple code with React & Node

How to create a simple code with React & Node Backend (Node) We will start by creating a Backend for our app. Create a new folder called server and create an app.js file inside: const path = require(‘path’); const express = require(‘express’); const bodyParser = require(‘body-parser’); const session = require(‘express-session’); const cors = require(‘cors’); const errorHandler = require(‘errorhandler’); const…

Angular-Authentication-With-JSON-Web-Tokens-(JWT) (1)

Angular Authentication With JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

Angular Authentication With JSON Web Tokens (JWT) The goal here is to discuss in general, by going over the multiple design options and design compromises involved, and then apply those concepts in the specific context of an Angular Application. JWT-based User Sessions Let’s start by introducing how JSON Web Tokens can be used to establish a user…

Styling-An-Angular-Application-With-Bootstrap (1)

Styling An Angular Application With Bootstrap

Styling An Angular Application With Bootstrap Creating A Project Once you have Angular CLI installed, if not look at our blog How to install Bootstrap with Angular let’s use it to generate an angular project by running the following command: $ ng new angular-bootstrap-demo The CLI will then ask you: Would you like to add Angular routing?…

Lazy-Loading-Angular-Modules-(Ivy-and-Async-Await) (1)

Lazy-Loading Angular Modules (Ivy and Async Await)

Lazy-Loading Angular Modules (Ivy and Async Await) What is Lazy Loading? For instance, if I login to /admin I would get a “chunk” of JavaScript code specifically for the Admin dashboard. Similarly, if I load /shop I would expect another “chunk” of JavaScript specifically for just the Shop! If I visited the Admin panel and…