Aspera proxy server
Aspera Proxy server supports load balancing, high availabity and security policies, through FASP transfer the file, FASP proxy supports both inbound and outbound mode. It uses the Limited network Access. To transfer the files through across secure DMZs Aspera Proxy has two kind of environment Forwarded proxy and Reverse Proxy Here we are using Reverse Proxy along with DMZ it protect the security of Aspera transfer deployed in internal network it using, Dynamic network address translation.
Technical things
Every company having DMZ zone, in such a manner external users can access the Aspera proxy to communicate the Aspera faspex server.
Aspera proxy environment:
Forwared proxy, Reverse Proxy.
Aspera proxy:
Aspera FASP transfer through proxy support high availability and security.
Aspera faspex:
Aspera faspex is web platform, collaboration and exchange global files, Faspex data transferred at high speed over the wireless n/w with FASP transport technology.
Aspera shares:
Provides simple way for companies to share data within the internal networker and External network used by the customers & there collaborate.
Aspera Console:
Aspera Console is the Centralized control data managed all nodes through single application. Aspera console managed transfers between the server and managed transfer client across the WAN.