Introducing Red Hat Universal Base Image
Here in this blog, we are going to learn about the introduction of the Red Hat universal base image.
Four reference pictures contrasted
Micro: Made for programs with independent dependencies, like Python, Node.js,.NET, etc.
- The tiniest possible image that you can construct
- Because there isn’t a package manager, it is smaller.
- It is advised to use Buildah rather than a Dockerfile.
Minimal: Designed for applications (Python, Node.js,.NET, etc.) that have their own dependencies.
- Reduced amount of pre-installed content
- Not a single SUID binary
- Install, update, and remove with a minimal package manager
Standard – For any RHEL-based application
- OpenSSL crypto stack that is unified
- Whole YUM stack
- Contains helpful standard OS utilities (tar, gzip, vi, etc.)
Multi-service: This makes it easier to manage several services inside of one container.
- set up to launch the system upon startup
- enables the services to be enabled at build time.
Pre-assembled images of language runtime containers
UBI offers developers pre-built images to use a variety of language runtimes in addition to base images that let you install languages. Developers can often just load an image and get to work on the application they are creating.
See the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog for an exhaustive list of pre-built runtime container images:
- Images based on UBI 9.
- UBI 8-based visuals
- UBI 7-based visuals
Related bundles
It’s great to consume pre-built images. Every time a new version of RHEL is released and critical Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) are patched, Red Hat releases new images, much like the RHEL update policy. Red Hat Container Image Updates is the link to the complete image policy. Our images are designed so that you can simply select one and begin developing your application.
However, there are instances when you need that one additional package when developing an application. Occasionally, an updated package is required for your application to function. Because of this, UBI also includes a set of RPMs that are distributed over a highly available content delivery network and are accessible via YUM. You are affecting the same infrastructure that our customers use when you execute a YUM update in your CI/CD pipeline during that crucial time when you need to perform a production release.
RHEL serves as the basis.
When they were first released in 2014, containerized apps represented a significant advancement in enterprise IT. The way they enhance the creation and upkeep of conventionally monolithic applications continues to be revolutionary. However, containers are not a cure-all. Operating systems require more stability, greater dependability, security tools, direction, and prompt fixes in the enterprise setting. RHEL is built to meet these kinds of demands. A handful of the Red Hat teams that are working on base images are as follows:
- A performance engineering team responsible for the upkeep and updating of standard libraries like glibc and OpenSSL, as well as language runtimes like Python and Ruby, to perform well and function dependably with the workloads you decide to containerize.
- An associated Container Health Index grade is used by a product security team to ensure that the same libraries and languages receive timely security fixes.
- Teams in charge of engineering and product management work hard to extend the lifespan of their products and add new features, giving you peace of mind when making additional investments.
Because RHEL is a subscription-based system, your company won’t have to pay extra for support or licenses that are required for each release. You can use any of the current RHEL versions when you have a subscription. This includes access to Red Hat support and the advantages of a more dependable, secure, and hardened Linux operating system. Even though RHEL is an excellent host and image for containers, many developers must accommodate a greater variety of use cases, some of which might not fall under the purview of supported scenarios. Herein lies the role of UBI.
Both right now and in the future
Maybe all you need right now is a base image to get you going with creating a basic containerized application. Alternatively, you may be switching from standalone containers powered by container engines to a cloud-native environment where you are developing and approving Operators meant to function with OpenShift. In either case, we think UBI can offer a solid basis.
Red Hat is the industry leader in enterprise-grade Linux operating systems, and containers encapsulate a lightweight operating system user space in a new packaging format. By granting independent software vendors (ISVs), clients, and open-source communities access to enterprise-grade containers, UBI aims to establish a new benchmark for container development.
Specifically, ISVs can standardize on a single, reliable foundation for Kubernetes Operators and other containerized applications. Red Hat Container Certification is a useful tool for ISVs that use UBI to continuously verify software that is deployed on Red Hat platforms such as OpenShift.
It’s simple to get going. Red Hat suggests Podman Desktop or Podman if you prefer the command line, but you can use any container engine to pull these images. Simply grab an image from one of these repositories and get started.