Introducing Redhat OpenShift
The Redhat OpenShift cloud development platform is picking up steam in the open-source community, and it is the top enterprise Kubernetes platform. It was designed as a PaaS (Platform as a Service) for developing and hosting enterprise infrastructure applications in its numerous flavors. OpenShift Origin, for example, was published as an upstream open-source application container platform.
The second web-based version was envisioned as a public application development hosting server. OpenShift Dedicated provides Red Hat-managed clusters in any virtual private cloud (AWS, Google Cloud, etc). The latest edition of OpenShift, OpenShift Enterprise, is more of a private PaaS that can be configured on-premise.
Do components involve Redhat Openshift?
The following components are important to the OpenShift experience:
Kubernetes assists in the deployment of containerized apps from their associated images. After that, anyone can use the OpenShift Container Registry to obtain pre-generated images from a public directory (OCR).
“Pods” are a collection of one or more independent containers clustered together in a single host. Multiple pods can be utilized for deployments in different services and applications, and they are the tiniest computable units in OpenShift that can be operated on or deployed.
Users may utilize the OpenShift Web Console to view and manage their apps utilizing SCM and CI/CD workflows. All relevant application source codes are included as Docker images, which can be easily accessed from the OCR.
The Master Node is a group of hosts in the Kubernetes layer that holds all of the master components, such as the API Server, etc, and the controller manager. It also arranges for the operation of pods on particular nodes.
OpenShift solutions from Pronteff are a result of the inventive implementation of tasks such as containerization, and the speed with which our developers manage applications across any platform and framework mesmerizes our clients to the core. Send us an email at to request the OpenShift questionnaire and a FREE quotation today!