Types of JMS Nodes in IBM APPConnect V12
JMS Input Node:
This Node is used to receive a message from JMS destinations that are accessed through a connection to a JMS Nodes Provider.
JMS Output Node:
This Node is used to send messages to JMS Destinations. It acts as a message producer
1. Sends a datagram message that carries sufficient information to be routed from the source to the destination.
2. Sends a reply message that is routed according to the value in the JMS Reply to property from the request message
3. Sends a request message to a JMS destination with the expectation of a response from the message consumer that processes the request
Terminals: out, failure, catch
JMS Reply Node:
It sends a message to the JMS destination specified in the JMSReply to the header field of the JMS message. It’s Similar to the JMSOutput node but sends a message only to the JMSReplyTo destination.
Terminals: FAILURE, OUT
JMS Receive Node:
It receives messages from the JMS destinations and it works like the JMSInput node, but can be used in the middle of a message flow.
Terminals: FAILURE, OUT
NO MESSAGE: The output terminal to which the input message is routed if no message is available on the queue. The output message that is propagated to the No Message terminal is constructed from the input message.
JMS Header Node:
JMSHeader node sets or modifies the contents of the JMS Header_Values and Application_Properties tress.
Terminals: IN, FAILURE, OUT
JMS MQ Transform Node:
JMSMQ Transform Node transforms a message that contains a JMS message tree into a message that is compatible with the format of messages that the IBM MQ JMS provider produces.
Terminals: FAILURE, OUT, IN
MQ JMS Transform Node:
MQJMS Transform node transforms a message that contains an IBM MQ JMS provider message tree into a format that can be used to send messages to JMS destinations.
Terminals: FAILURE, OUT, IN