Observability with Instana
Here in this blog, we will learn about Observability with Instana.
Developers are faced with a growing challenge: How do we troubleshoot software that may be comprised of many disparate services running in a variety of languages and platforms. How can we notice critical changes, see into our black box services, and discern the true causes of errors?
Not too long ago, debugging a program usually meant one thing: browsing error logs. This approach was fine for small teams running simple programs in a small number of instances.
But things are always changing. Our software architecture paradigms evolved have from monoliths to microservices. Our responsibilities have changed with the emergence of DevOps, which represents a shift in the way developers take responsibility for our programs after delivery.
The Origins of Observability
The term “observability” was first defined for engineering purposes in 1960 in R.E. Kalman’s paper / ./ On the general theory of control systems As it pertained to mechanical engineering, the term observability was defined as the ability to understand the inner state of a system by measuring its outputs.
Fast-forward fifty years to 2013. Developers and software professionalsare monitoring their systems using tedious instrumentation tools — if they are monitoring at all. But the shift towards distributed systems is already
underway. Twitter announces that they are creating a new “observability team” to centralize and standardize the collection of telemetry data across Twitter’s “hundreds” of services.
Observability Today
Since 2013, our services have only become more granular and our job responsibilities more cross-functional. Microservices are giving way to serverless, and DevOps has led to Site Reliability Engineering. Observability is
as important as ever, and the scope of the challenge has grown exponentially
How is Observability Different from Monitoring?
We can’t know where we’re going if we don’t know where we’ve been. Application Performance Monitoring is an important set of capabilities that can coexist with modern observability.
The problem with traditional monitoring is that it focuses on measuring predefined aspects of known components. With distributed architectures, the components of our application are always changing, sometimes by the second. Traditional APM tools can’t keep up with this dynamic environment.
The worst time to discover you’re missing some crucial datum is when you’re in the middle of triaging a production outage.
That is where observability comes in. With observability, instead of predetermining what to measure, we build the capability to see everything that’s happening between and even inside our services. This allows us to answer questions we couldn’t anticipate and confront unknown unknowns
Types of Telemetry
Monitoring and observability share the same fundamental datatypes: logs, traces, metrics, and EUM (End-User Monitoring) beacons.
Fundamentally, all logs are simply events — and these structured events form the foundation of observability telemetry signals. Other types of telemetry data including traces and metrics can often be derived from logs. Whether it’s request, error, or debug logs, finding the right log message is often the first step to troubleshooting an issue.
But there is the challenge — how do we find the right log message amongst the mountains of logs generated by a distributed application with multiple instances of each service? We need annotated, structured logs from all of our services to be aggregated and indexed.
We could do this ourselves, as we have in the past, or we could use an observability platform to automatically gather, annotate, and index our log messages for us.
Distributed traces are a necessary tool for understanding request flows in modern applications. We can think of traces as request-scoped logs. They allow us to correlate events from downstream services with the end-user request that triggered the event.
Creating traces is fairly straightforward. With each incoming external request, a new span is created with a unique ID. That ID is sent to downstream services, which include it as a parent_id in their own spans.
A backend of some kind is then required in order to make use of these spans and combine them into searchable traces. Jaeger and Zipkin are the two most popular open source choices, with Jaeger being somewhat newer.
Logs and traces are great tools for monitoring our applications. When it comes to monitoring the infrastructure that our applications run on, metrics are crucial.
The defining characteristic of metrics is that they are aggregatable. Because metrics are represented as numbers, we can set thresholds and optimal bounds with the hope of catching issues before they happen.
Metrics can be gathered in a “pull” method where a metrics service scrapes monitored services at a set interval, or a in a push method where the monitored services send requests as their data changes. Prometheus is the most popular open source metrics service and it uses the pull method of metrics gathering.
EUM/End User Monitoring (or Real User Monitoring) Beacons
Most of our end-users are not calling our backend APIs directly. They are usually using a web or mobile app interface of some kind. End User Monitoring allows us to understand the true user experience of our applications including issues with the interface or networking.
By placing an agent directly in our web or mobile applications, we can gather telemetry beacons from our users. Combined with the metrics, traces and logs from our backends, this data can give us a full picture of the user experience of our applications
Putting it all together
While these signals are sometimes useful in isolation, the answers we need are found when all of this data can be correlated and searched in a meaningful way. Peter Bourgon elegantly laid out the crucial sweet spot overlapping between metrics, traces, and logs: Request-scoped, aggregable events.
Observability Standards& Open Source
In 2019 the OpenTracing and OpenCensus projects merged and became OpenTelemetry. This open source project under the CNCF is quickly establishing open standards for telemetry that are widely adopted by both open-source tools and vendor observability platforms like Instana.
At the core of the OpenTelemetry project is OTLP: open specifications for observability data. The OTLP specifications are stable for all three core signals: metrics, traces, and logs. A specification for Real User Monitoring has been proposed but is not yet available.
The OpenTelemetry community has created a large suite of excellent SDKs, APIs, and tools around the OTLP standard:
Instrumentation SDKs
Instrumentation SDKs are available and stable for most programming languages. Automatic Instrumentation (like Instana AutoTraceTM) is even available for some runtimes.
OpenTelemetry Collector
The collector service acts as an agent on your hosts or nodes. It ingests telemetry signals from the other processes on the host and then transforms the data (for example, sampling traces to reduce costs) before sending it to your choice of observability backends.
Kubernetes Operator
An OpenTelemetry Operator for Kubernetes is available that can provide autoinstrumentation for compatible workloads running in a Kubernetes cluster.
Open Source Observability Backends
The OpenTelemetry project does not provide a backend for storing and analyzing your monitoring data, but a number of open source tools are compatible with the OTLP signals.
Popular open source backends for aggregating logs include: Loki, Graylog and Logstash with ElasticSearch.
Zipkin and Jaeger are the most common tracing backends in use today. Zipkin has been around for a while and it’s trace format is supported by the OpenTelemetry Collector. Jaeger is capable of ingesting traces in many formats including Zipkin’s format and OTLP
Prometheus is by far the most popular open backend for metrics aggregation. It can support a wide range of dashboard, alerting and other tools that depend upon the metrics data.