Transformation Advisor tool in IBM APP CONNECT V12
The Transformation Advisor tool is an advisory tool, used in the migration of the IBM Integration version to IBM App Connect versions. This helps you to analyze the data that you collected about your IBM Integration Bus Version 10.0 integration node or your IBM App Connect Enterprise Versions integration node.
After the successful TADataCollector command, the output is written to the directory referenced by the environment variable TADataCollectorDirectory. The following two sub directories are created in the output directory.
- logs: This folder contains the log ta_sdk.log that you can use to check for errors in the process.
- output: This folder contains a folder with the name of the integration node. In this we have,
The file environment.json shows the details of the environment where the integration node was created.
- A subfolder for each integration server. The .json file contains details of what is deployed to the integration server.
- HTML is produced in the directory. The report lists any issues that are found for each integration server under the integration node. If we click on recommendations.html we get the chrome page as shown in the figure.
The Overall Complexity Score is assessed as either Simple, Moderate, or Complex and the following guidelines apply:
Simple: Admin change is required
Moderate: Development change is required
Complex: Difficult development task or an alternative strategy is required
The Transformation Advisor tool also provides a severity classification for each issue it uncovers:
GREEN(INFO): No immediate action is required, but you might want to be aware.
YELLOW(WARNING): Immediate action is probably required or advised before you proceed.
RED(ERROR): You cannot proceed without taking remedial action.