Which is the best framework for PHP?
We have a lot of PHP frameworks. Before going to know the best framework for PHP, firstly we have to know what is framework, and why we are going for it.
Generally, the framework is defined as is programming tool. which is having pre-defined libraries and components, these help you to cut down on the amount of original code you need to write. By using the framework, we can build web applications. Frameworks follow the MVC pattern and have the following features
- Faster development
- Less code to write
- More secure
- Libraries
- Easier to maintain.
Approximately 40 PHP frameworks are listed. In these Laravel is the best PHP framework. It is the most popular PHP framework for the past few years. It was introduced in 2011.
Laravel is one of the most popular frameworks for web development. The popularity of the Laravel framework is due to its incredible features. Also, the Laravel framework provides extensive community support and development tools.
Laravel framework is highly secure, maintainable, and scalable. It supports MVC(Model View Controller) architecture that makes development easier and clear, Also it’s having excellent documentation.
Reasons why Laravel is the best framework:
1. Great security Elements
Laravel PHP framework takes security seriously and the framework warrants that security is integrated into the website. Also uses a hashed password, ensuring any passwords not be saved in plain text.
Laravel framework prevents injection attacks from occurring on your database.
2. Database Migration
It makes database migration easy and solves compatibility issues between databases like SQL Server or MYSQL. It also ensures smooth flow when switching databases by changing details.
3. Object-oriented libraries
It is having pre-installed object-oriented libraries. These are having excellent features like password resetting, active user monitoring, and cross-site Request Forgery(CSRF) protection.
4. MVC Support
Laravel supports a model view controller. It is convenient to use and build a small business or big application.MVC support also makes it easy for the developers to find files in logical directories. And developers can control the process of their application that appears after deploying.
5. Task Management and Scheduling
An example of this is sending out a weekly newsletter for all users. For this Laravel has a unified application programming interface(API) .these tasks are in the later application stage. And it provides a clean API scheduler for different tasks.
6. Automatic Packaging System
Laravel has an automatic package discovery feature, it offers a package discovery option that assists users in their installation. It detects potential package inclusion that they want to install and stops unwanted features of the packages.
7. Efficient Testing Features
Laravel permits performing unit tests by PHPUnit, it makes easies to conduct a unit test with its out-of-the-box testing feature.
Developers can define custom test methods according to their application requirements. they are free to customize the functions that can create more advanced tests. And Laravel eliminates time-consuming unit tests and makes bug-free and quality applications.
8. Blade Template Engine
It is a lightweight but powerful pre-installed template engine.it helps developers make the development process smooth by using layouts. And provides its structure to develop and view a file that comprises conditional statements and loops. And by using this feature developers can enable to create an innovative and unique layout by using content seeding.
9. Open-source
Laravel is the best framework and is open-source and completely free.
10. Artisan Commands
By using these features developers can use this tool to generate MVC files and manage data configurations with commands. It uses a powerful Symfony console component to make an application.it helps in data migration and management.
Laravel is the most popular and great PHP framework used in developing web applications. This framework is flexible and offers excellent features that can ease the development process of an application.