IBM Sterling B2B Integrator 6.0.x New features
Here are the New features added in IBM Sterling B2B Integrator 6.0.x
By September 2021, IBM Sterling B2B Integrator v5.2.6.x reached the end of service (EOS). Customers can use this blog to assess the many updates included in the v6.0.X and v6.1.X versions.
Here is the complete list of significant changes:
1. Support for brand-spanking new Features and Enhancements
Major new features in v6.0.x include
- Docker-based installation and Red Hat Certified Container
- New myFileGateway2.0 and UI Modernization
- IBM MQ for communications with ASI via adapter containers
- Native PGP support
- CCT, CCU, STA, VMK, CD1, CDD, CRZ, and CDZ are examples of EBICS New Order types.
- Support and Improvements for AWS S3, Proxy Support for AWS S3
- REST API adapter and JSON-XML convertor
- Sterling B2B Integrator and Watson Assistant Help integration
- SSL support for Oracle 18c, 19c, MSSQL 2016, DB2 11.1 – Please ask the security blog for v6.0.X/v6.X
- MSSQL 2016 – ALWAYS ON Feature
- Adapter containers decoupled from the ASI node
- LDAP adapter configuration to use SSL
- API Gateway and new APIs as Integration points
- Password policy enhancements
- PEM- B2Bi API Integration updates
- Supporting Oracle 19c, Microsoft SQL Server always ON feature
- Support for external WebSphere MQ and ActiveMQ with FIFO Adapter
- Support for the Map Editor in the Java Runtime Environment 1.8
- SFTP Server Adapter 2.0
Stack updates
- Support for WebSphere MQ v9.1.0.4
- Jgroups Upgrade to latest version
- Support for WebSphere Liberty Server v20.0.0.3
- Updates to the security stack in Jetty, Spring, XML Data bind, and other jars
2. Installation Framework changes
Utilizing IBM Installation Manager to install Sterling B2B Integrator
You can install and maintain your IBM software packages by using the tool known as Installation Manager. The steps you would like to take to install, modify, update, roll back, or uninstall your IBM products are walked thru by wizards.
Installing Sterling B2B Integrator by using Docker
Docker is meant to make it simpler to develop, distribute, and run applications using containers.
A container image may be a compact, standalone executable file that contains all the components necessary to run a bit of software, including the code, runtime, system tools, system libraries, and settings.
Installing the Sterling B2B Integrator docker image on one node or a cluster of nodes is both possible. Simple deployment, dynamic scaling, and cluster node management using HELM Charts are made possible by container deployment on Red Hat-certified containers.
3. Security improvements
Many PSIRTS enhancements in 6.0.x/6.1.x, C
Continuous security support on 6.0.3 and 6.0/6.1 product version
4. Deprecated adapters, services
There is a list of accessories and services that have been removed from the device, including
- WSMQ adapters and expected customers to maneuver to WSMQ services
- Zengin adapters.
- REST HTTP adapters
- E-invoicing module support
- Z-Linux support dropped
- WebDAV client and server
- Internal Active MQ and communication
- Advance File Transfer support
- Sterling Integrator mobile
- MESA Studio: the subsequent is no longer supported under MESA Studio:
- MESA Developer Studio
- Reporting Services
Deprecated Platforms
- Solaris
- iSeries
- MySQL Database