Odette File Transfer Protocol in IBM Sterling B2B
For the exchange of vital automobile data via the open internet, Odette File Transfer Protocol 2(OFTP2) is the protocol that is most frequently utilized. It ensures that sensitive and confidential information is sent promptly and completely safely between organizations by providing perfect and secure transmission.
Odette FTP Features:
- Protocol session-level encryption
- File-level encryption
- Secure authentication
- File compression
- The maximum permitted file size is up to 9PB (petabytes)
In the Odette FTP protocol, we can send the files using mailbox mode and schedule mode
In the mailbox mode
- Using the mailbox mode, create a mailbox of user A i.e, your local partner yourself, the local partner A, and user B for your remote partner B.
- Within the mailbox, create a sub-mailbox with the name inbox. All messages sent from partner A will be placed into the inbox of mailbox A, wise versa create a sub mailbox with the name inbox All messages sent from partner B will be placed into the inbox of mailbox B
- In the mailbox, we send the files to the remote partner in manual mode by using the business process.
Odette FTP schedule mode
- For transmitting previously planned messages to a remote partner, the Odette FTP scheduler service is used to specify when the Odette FTP adapter should start an OFTP session.
- These Odette FTP scheduler modes schedule the business process for every hour or mentioned time based up on user requirements.
Odette FTP WorkFlow
Create two trading partners, partner A and partner B in the Odette FTP partner profile in the trading partner in the IBM Sterling B2B.
Both partner A and partner B are the two business trading partners.
- Partner A is the producer he wants to share files with his trading partner B
- Partner A initially starts the process and calls the remote business trading partner to share files.
- Partner B responded with the session request from partner A.
- Partner A sending all files to the remote partner will be placed into the mailbox of partner B.
- Partner B login into partner B’s mailbox and downloaded the files.
Partner A has no more files to send. It enables partner B to transfer his files by using a change direction command. Partner A and B are exchanging their roles: now B is a producer and A is a consumer. The process begins if partner B has certain files to send.
- Partner B sends his files by using the business process to the remote partner mailbox i.e partner A mailbox.
- Partner A login into the mailbox and downloads the required files.