Road Map Of IBM API Connect
IBM API Connect Version
Directly navigate to a specific Product or API in the Developer Portal
You can navigate directly to a specific Product or API in the Developer Portal by using x-ibm-name: version in the URL.
Upgrade from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9 content management system
The Developer Portal is now based on the Drupal 9 content management system. This is an in-place upgrade, so no specific steps need to be taken. However, if you are using additional contributed modules, or custom modules, you should check that they are compatible with Drupal 9, and not using any deprecated APIs for example. There are tools available for checking your custom modules, such as drupal_check on GitHub, which checks Drupal code for deprecation.
Configure the notifications event log settings for your Developer Portal
The Developer Portal now includes an activity feed that shows Consumer organization users the details of events that occur on the organization, and you can configure the amount of days that the events are kept for.
IBM API Connect Version
TLS protocol version 1.3 is now supported for TLS client and server profiles
When configuring a TLS client or TLS server profile, you can now select TLS protocol version 1.3 as one of the protocols that the profile supports.
IBM API Connect Version
New tokens available as part of the email subscriber wizard in the Developer Portal
You can email all the subscribers of a specific API, plan, product, or all registered consumer organizations. For each consumer organization, you can select whether to email just the owner or all of the members. Each recipient receives an individual email. You can use the wizard to specify the new context-specific tokens in the email subject and body. The tokens available and their replacement values depend on which flow is selected, for example, API, plan, product, or all.
New commands available on the Developer Portal command-line tool
You can use the Developer Portal command-line tool, apic, to query and replicate all or part of your Developer Portal environment. The new commands, api, apic-config, application, consumer-org, product, and entity can help you to save time and effort, and reduce errors.
IBM API Connect Version
Ability to monetize your Products
API Connect now includes a subscription billing feature that allows API providers to define pricing Plans in their API Products, and monetize their API offerings, by integrating with the Stripe Subscription Billing service
IBM API Connect Version
A scenario on how to export and import custom themes and site-config by using the Portal Admin API
The platform REST APIs for IBM API Connect provide complete access to the capability of the platform. So, you can use the Developer Portal command-line tool, cli, to replicate changes from one Developer Portal instance to another. However, if the Developer Portal cli was unavailable for some reason, you can use the Portal Admin API.
IBM API Connect Version
API Designer now supports API activation on creation
You can now activate an API, as part of the creation steps, in the API Designer user interface, making the API immediately available for testing. Previously, this option was available only in the API Manager user interface.
New “Endpoints” tab in the API Assemble view in API Manager and API Designer
The Endpoints tab opens a page that displays information for use when you call APIs externally. This tab displays only when an API’s status is “Online” (the API was activated)
IBM API Connect Version 2018.4.1.16
Default value for max-memory for management database increased
The default value for the Cassandra-max-memory-gb setting has been increased from 4GB to 9GB. If a pre-upgrade installation was completed using the default size, then the upgrade will use the new default for an increase from 4GB to 9GB. For a VMware installation, if customers have allocated less than the recommended minimum of 16GB to an OVA node, they should contact IBM Support for assistance. For more information about Cassandra-max-memory-gb, see the installation instructions for the apicup subsys set SUBSYS Cassandra-max-memory-gb command for each subsystem.
IBM API Connect Version 2018.4.1.15
Adding additional documentation to products and APIs
You can embed additional documentation pages within the api swagger documentation. These pages can be base64 encoded strings or markdown strings of the html content of the page. These pages show up in the navigation, on the left side, underneath the overview for that product or API, and above the paths. Any styling that is needed to theme the documentation can be included in the Developer Portal custom theme.
IBM API Connect Version 2018.4.1.14
A tutorial on how to create a drop-down menu link
You can create and use drop-down menus, or nested menus, to enhance the use of your Developer portal.
IBM API Connect Version 2018.4.1.12
API Connect now supports LDAP internal referral for API authentication with the Data Power API Gateway
An LDAP referral is a domain controller’s way of indicating to a client application that it does not have a copy of a requested object, while giving the client a location that is more likely to hold the object. API Connect now supports LDAP internal referral with the Data Power API Gateway, internal to the current LDAP server, if the base distinguished name (DN) supplied in an API call is incomplete. Previously the API call would fail authentication without referral
IBM API Connect Version 2018.4.1.11
Refresh tokens are now supported in the Developer Portal
The use of refresh tokens is now supported in the Developer Portal, as well as in the Cloud Manager, the API Manager, and the CLI Toolkit
IBM API Connect Version 2018.4.1.10
New audit feature logs information for monitoring API usage
Configure auditing to monitor API calls and log information about the calling users, the time of each call, and the activity involved in each event. Auditing does not apply to the API enforcement on the gateway, but it is useful when you want to monitor the create, update, and delete activity in your deployment; for example, who made changes, when, and what they changed.
IBM API Connect Version 2018.4.1.9
API Designer now supports testing from the Assembly tab
The API Designer UI now includes a test panel in the Assembly tab.
UI support now available for creating writable LDAP user registries
You can now create writable LDAP user registries by using the Cloud Manager and the API Manager user interfaces. To create a writable LDAP user registry as a shared resource that can be used for authenticating Cloud Manager, API Manager, and Developer Portal users,
Enhanced guidance for restoring the management database in a Kubernetes cluster
Expanded documentation is provided for restoration of an API Connect management database in a Kubernetes cluster. Enhancements include how to prepare for the restore, how to verify that restore was successful, and how to troubleshoot problems that might occur.
IBM API Connect Version 2018.4.1.8
Support for writable LDAP user registries
API Connect now supports user on boarding and authentication with writable LDAP. You can use the developer toolkit CLI to configure writable LDAP user registries to provide authentication for the Cloud Manager, the API Manager, and the Developer Portal.
New UI for creating an OIDC user registry
In previous releases you used the developer toolkit CLI to create an OIDC user registry. Now you can use the Create OIDC User Registry page in both Cloud Manager and API Manager
IBM API Connect Version 2018.4.1.7
New monitor pod for Data Power Gateway is required for installation and upgrade
There is a new monitor pod that watches for gateways going up or down, and removes stale gateway peer information from the pods that remain in the cluster. Installation of the monitor pod is required for 2018.4.1.7. If the monitor pod is not installed, the gateway service does not start. The monitor is distributed as a separate distribution file for Kubernetes deployments.
Installation of the monitor pod is required when upgrading Data Power Gateway from prior versions up to version 2018.4.1.7 or later
IBM API Connect Version 2018.4.1.6
New flood control for login security
The Login Security module is being removed from future releases. It has been replaced by Flood Control. Existing users of the Login security module should configure Flood Control with the same limits and time windows.
New command header in the API editor
When you are editing an API definition in the API Designer or API Manager user interfaces, a new command header has been added that allows you to quickly and easily complete the following actions:
• Activate the API to make it immediately available for testing.
• Identify any validation errors in the OpenAPI source for your API.
• Stage or publish the API to any Catalog.
• Create a new version of an API definition.
IBM API Connect Version 2018.4.1.5
OAuth token revocation is now supported by the Data Power API Gateway
You can now revoke OAuth tokens when APIs are deployed to the Data Power API Gateway. Previously, support was available only with the Data Power Gateway (v5 compatible).
Hide the admin registry on the login form on the Developer Portal
You can hide the admin registry as an option on the login form. A use case for this option might be a public facing Developer Portal where admin access shouldn’t be shown to the customer.
IBM API Connect Version 2018.4.1.4
Migration of API Connect from Version 5 to Version 2018
API Connect provides the apicm utility to programmatically migrate API Connect v5.0.8.6 configuration and data to a new v2018.4.1.4 deployment. You can optionally adjust and map v5 data as needed to fit your v2018 configure.
TLS mutual authentication is now supported by the Data Power API Gateway
You can now use TLS mutual authentication to protect APIs deployed to a Data Power API Gateway. Previously, support was available only with the Data Power Gateway (v5 compatible).
IBM API Connect Version 2018.4.1.3
New tutorial on grouping products by category on the Developer Portal
You can use this tutorial to create three views in the Developer Portal, each one is configured to display a list of products according to their category. You then create a new page to show the views, where you see products that are grouped by category.
New tutorial on adding a custom block to the front page on the Developer Portal
You can use this tutorial to create a block that contains a marketing announcement and add it to the front page of your Developer Portal.
IBM API Connect Version 2018.4.1.2
The parse policy can now be configured to use the Content-Type specified in the request headers
The parse policy has a new Use Content Type setting; if enabled, the parse action uses the Content-Type specified in the request headers.
The user registration form for an authentication URL registry is pre-populated
With an authentication URL registry, when a user is presented with the form for completing their API Connect user registration, fields are now pre-populated depending on which fields are returned in the response from the Authentication URL identity provider
APIs can be added separately to Plans in a Product
You can now separately add APIs to each of the Plans in a Product, allowing you to have multiple Plans with different sets of APIs.
IBM API Connect Version 2018.4.1.1
Configure OIDC registries
You can now configure OIDC registries for on boarding and authenticating Developer Portal users.
Serialize the output from the XSLT policy
If you are using the Data Power API Gateway, there is a new option for serializing the output from the XSLT policy.
IBM API Connect Version 2018.4.1.0
Extend the gateway server behaviour
You can deploy extensions to your Gateway servers to modify the behaviour of API Connect objects that have previously been published. Gateway extensions are supported by both the Data Power API Gateway and the Data Power Gateway (v5 compatible).
Global policies are now supported by the Data Power API Gateway
The support for global policies has been extended to the Data Power API Gateway, in addition to the Data Power Gateway (v5 compatible).
IBM API Connect Version 5.0.8
Migrate your Developer Portal OVAs from Ubuntu V16.04 to Ubuntu V18.04
From API Connect Version iFix 1, it is strongly recommended that you migrate your Developer Portal OVAs from Ubuntu V16.04 to Ubuntu V18.04, because support for Ubuntu V16.04 is being withdrawn in March 2021.
Change to the way in which the sending of client ID and scope to a third party OAuth provider is controlled
From API Connect Version, a new suppress-parameter header enables you to suppress the sending of client ID and scope to a third party OAuth provider; by default these parameters are now sent.
IBM API Connect Version 5.0.7
Added the stat show apiconfig command to check the health of your Management server
From API Connect Version, the stat show apiconfig command returns information about your Management server. You can use this command to determine if your database is in good health before an upgrade, or run it regularly to ensure that your Management server is running correctly.
Dynamically determine the health of a Developer Portal cluster
From API Connect Version, you can check the status of a Developer Portal cluster by calling a cluster health REST API.
IBM API Connect Version 5.0.6
Added the stat show ipconfig command to check the health of your Management server
From API Connect Version, the stat show ipconfig command returns information about your Management server. You can use this command to determine if your database is in good health before an upgrade, or run it regularly to ensure that your Management server is running correctly
IBM API Connect Version 5.0.5
Use the new syndication feature to partition your Catalog
With the IBM API Connect syndication feature, you can partition your Catalog into Spaces. Each Space is used by a different API provider development team and has its own set of management capabilities relating specifically to the APIs that the associated team publishes to that Space, enabling each team to manage their APIs independently.
New developer toolkit CLI commands are provided to support the creation and management of Spaces, and there is a new space configuration variable
New Generate LTPA Token built-in policy
Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) is an IBM protocol that provides a cookie or binary security token based authentication mechanism in WebSphere Application Server. Apply the Generate LTPA Token policy to your assembly so that your API can securely authenticate with applications or services that are hosted on WebSphere Application Server. Use the API Manager UI to import an LTPA key, and then apply a Generate LTPA Token policy to generate a Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) token
IBM API Connect Version 5.0.4
Gateway support for custom branding
When you implement custom branding, you no longer need to add a component to map the URL. URL mapping is no longer required because the gateway detects the Catalog based on the incoming host name.
Advanced XML options
You now have greater control over the XML output of the map policy. You can control empty elements, and inherited namespaces.
IBM API Connect Version 5.0.3
OAuth introspection endpoint
You can now add an introspection operation to an OAuth provider API. This new endpoint allows applications to present an OAuth access token and receive information about the access token in the response.
Enhanced graphical user interface support for arrays and inline schema in the map policy
A graphical method for creating new inline schemas is now available for the map policy, enabling you to easily create schemas in the map policy that are not exposed to the users of your API.
IBM API Connect Version 5.0.2
Using the Portal Delegated User Registry in the Developer Portal
By enabling the Portal Delegated User Registry in the API Manager UI, you can improve the flexibility of user registry and account management using the additional configuration options that are available in the Developer Portal.
You can use the log in credentials that are used with external authentication providers (such as Facebook, Google, or Twitter), to access the Developer Portal.
IBM API Connect Version 5.0.1
Managing disks on Management appliances
You can now protect your data by encrypting the hard drives on your Management servers. When you upgrade a Management appliance to IBM API Connect Version 5.0, or install IBM API Connect Version 5.0 onto a new appliance, the amount of swap space and code disk size that is required is greater than in previous versions.
New JSON Web Token (JWT) built-in policies
JWT is a compact, URL-safe way of representing claims that are transferred between two parties. IBM API Connect now includes the following two built-in security policies that you can apply to your APIs.
IBM API Connect Version 5.0.0
Offline developer experience with the developer toolkit
The developer toolkit provides all users with an offline developer experience. The offline developer experience enables the user to create their APIs with the API Designer visual editor, run tests locally, manage APIs and any security policies, ready for publishing to an appliance or to IBM Cloud in the future. The APIs can also be tested by running them through the Micro Gateway in an end-to-end flow. A command line environment is also provided. You create local definition files for your APIs and then use either the editor or the toolkit commands to interact with API Manager.