How to create and validate the JWT Token?
Here in this blog, we are going to learn how to create and validate the JWT Token.
JSON Web Token:
JWT is a standard for representing claims securely between two parties.
It is often used for authentication and authorization in web applications.
A JWT token consists of three parts:
- Header
- Payload
- Signature
The header contains information about hashing algorithm and type of the token.
The payload contains the information about the user that the token represents
A signature is used to verify the authenticity of the token.
JWT Generation:
Create an Open API
Select a new open API
Assign the title
Click on paths
GET method🡪parameters
Add the below two parameters (required)
Drag the set variable and complete the procedure referring to the document
Drag generate JWT and complete the procedure
Drag the gateway script and complete the procedure
Save the API.
Create a new product to publish
The product has been published
Switch to the developer portal and create one application
You can see the application
Click on done
click on generate
You can see the JWT
JWT Validation:
Step 1:
Select a new open API
Step 2:
Assign a title
Step 3:
After creating API
Go to paths🡪parameters
Add Authorization parameter
Step 4:
In assembly drag the set variable action, and complete the procedure.
Step 5:
Drag the JWT validate and complete the procedure
Step 6:
Drag the gateway script and complete the procedure.
Save the API.
Step 7:
Now make the API online and test it.
Step 8:
Give the token and test the API.
Step 9:
You will receive the info as shown.