Kubernetes Cluster Architecture
ETCD Cluster:Role in Kubernetes store information regarding the cluster such as nodes, pods, configs, secrets, accounts, roles, bindings and others, every get command we get the information for ETCD Cluster and adding any node, pods etc, every information can update on etcd cluster, change consider to be complete.
Kube Api Server:Is the primary management component in the Kubernetes. kube controller utility is in fact reaching to the kube-apiserver, first authenticate the request and validates it retives the data from the etcd cluster and responds back with the required information.
Kube Controller Manager:A controller is like an office or department within the master the have their own set of responsibilities. Controller is a process that continuously monitors the state of various components within the system and works towards bringing the whole system to the desired functioning state.
Node Controller is the responsible for monitoring the status of the nodes and taking necessary actions to keep the application running.
Replication Controller it is responsible for monitoring the status of replica sets and ensuring that desired number of PODs are available at all times within the set.
Kubernetes controller are such as deployments, Services, namespaces etc, can images this is kind of the brain behind a lot of things in Kubernetes all these controllers and where are they located in your cluster. They’re all package into a single process known as Kubernetes controller manager.
Kube Scheduler:It is responsible for scheduling pods and nodes. Scheduler decides which nodes the pods are placed on depending on certain criteria.
Kubelet: kublet in the Kubernetes worker node, registers the node with the Kubernetes cluster it receives instructions to load a container or pod on the node. it requires the container run time.
Kube-proxy: In Kubernetes cluster every pod can reach every other pod. A pod network internal and virtual network that spans across all the nodes in the cluster to pods, connect to network are able to communicate with each other. Kube-proxy is a process that runs on each node in the Kubernetes cluster, its job is to look for new services and is creates it creates the appropriate.