Road Map Of IBM Aspera Drive
IBM Aspera Drive 3.2.2
IBM Aspera, The drive is now compatible with the CP4I HSTS server. While Drive now supports CP4I directly, it does not support AoC with CP4I.
Drive requests to AoC failed. The SSL certification bundle has now been updated.
[Mac] Aspera Drive displays a warning about low disk space when it tries to sync to a NAS volume that has several TB of available disk space.
IBM Aspera Drive 3.2.1
The UI for multi-session preferences has been improved.
Inboxes can now be configured for auto-download independently of other shared inboxes.
New option to change the target rate for automatic package downloads.
IBM Aspera Drive 3.2.0
Drive can now split a file transfer over multiple sessions, which allows faster transfers. This feature is useful when the client-side connection is faster than the server connection–typically internet connections over 2 Gbps connecting to a cloud endpoint. Multi-session options can be configured under Transfer Preferences.
Drive now supports migrating from Cargo Downloader during upgrade to Drive.
In Aspera on Cloud, your workspace can be configured to allow packages to be sent to external users. Now Drive supports the same ability. Note that Drive users can send packages to external users according to the permissions set for the AoC workspace.
IBM Aspera Drive 3.1.8:
Two-Way Sync: Option Not to Propagate Delete Operations
Drive now offers an advanced option to ignore file deletions when two-way sync is configured. The purpose of this new option is to avoid unexpected data loss.
When Drive is configured for two-way synchronization, you can now set the ignore delete option in the Drive configuration file. When ignore delete is set with a value of 1, if a user deletes a file (whether on the local or remote system), Drive’s next sync action does not delete the corresponding file on the other system. Rather, Drive re-transfers the file from the other system. The end result is that the deleted file is recreated on the user’s system.
The default value for ignore delete is 0 (that is, by default Drive does honor deletions in two-way sync).
IBM Aspera Drive 3.1.7:
Features at a Glance When Drive is connected to the IBM Aspera on Cloud SaaS platform, you can perform the following tasks:
- Browse the contents of an Aspera on Cloud workspace from the file browser.
- Transfer files and packages from within the same browser view.
- Synchronize local folders with folders on the transfer server, in both directions.
IBM Aspera Drive 3.1.6:
Managing Drive Accounts for Faspex:
An account in Drive allows you to use the browsing and transfer features between your client computer and the Faspex transfer server. Managing accounts involves adding, modifying, and deleting accounts.
Before you can set up and manage accounts, you must obtain the credentials for your Faspex user account from your system administrator. You will use these credentials to connect to the transfer server.
IBM Aspera Drive 3.1.5
Checkin/Checkout of Aspera on Cloud Content
You can use Drive to collaborate across your team, with clear “ownership” while a user is editing a document. With the checkin/checkout feature, users check out a copy of a file, make local changes, and then check in the edited file. While the first user has the file checked out, other users can view but not modify the master copy.
IBM Aspera Drive 3.1.4:
Managing Drive Accounts for Shares
An account in Drive allows you to use the browsing and transfer features between your client computer and the Shares transfer server. Managing accounts involves adding, modifying, and deleting accounts. Before you can set up and manage accounts, you must obtain the credentials for your Shares user account from your system administrator. You will use these credentials to connect to the transfer server.
IBM Aspera Drive 3.1.3:
Sync Capability: Overview
With Drive transfer accounts for Aspera Files or Aspera Shares, you can set up Drive to sync folders automatically on your client computer and the server whenever the folder’s content changes in either location. Content changes include
1. modification of file contents
2. changes in file and folder names
3. creation and deletion of files and folders
Before you can sync files and folders using Drive, you must obtain the credentials for a user account from your system administrator. You will use these credentials to connect to the transfer server.
IBM Aspera Drive 3.1.0:
My checkouts:
In the course of your work, it may be easy to lose track of your checkouts, especially if
- You check out a large number of files.
- Your checked-out content comes from several different locations in Files.
- Some time passes between checking out a file and checking it in.