IBM MQ: Publish/Subscribe Messaging
Public Subscription in clustering is used to distribute the messages automatically to the Subscribers of different clusters when a message is initiated in Topic. Create the Queue Managers and Local Queues on each cluster and function of all the clusters should take care of Full Repository ‘s and define the topic with subscription list for different queue managers of different clusters. By Creating the Name list Clusters should communicate with each Queue Manager in different Cluster.
Benefits of PUB/SUB:
1. Messages will be transmitted to the destination Queue managers without passing through any intermediate Queue manager based on the define Subscription and its Channels.
2. It provides you to replicate the same Data in to different Clusters (CL1, CL2, and CL3).
3. It does not consists of any dependency and Message loss.
4. The Queue Manager with in the Publish/Subscribe Cluster can exist on Physical separate computer and each pair of Queue Manager is automatically connect together by cluster channels when necessary.
Components Involved:
Software Required IBM MQ v 9.0.2&above.