Streaming queues in IBM MQ
Whenever a message comes to the Local queue that message is also stored in the Streaming queues in IBM MQ, which is the duplicate of that Local queue Message.
Streaming is more useful in the case when we lost the data in the local queue we can able to get the duplicate data of the local queue. Then we can use that data.
The Streaming queues in IBM MQ use the PUB/SUB model where messages can be sent through the streaming queue for the subscribers.
We can able to use the streaming queue between 4 queue managers, like whenever we want to put a message in local queue 1 of queue manager 1 what messages need to be in the remaining 3 queue managers of the local queue?
So this is an easy way to put the messages in multiple queue managers at a time.
We can able to use the streaming with remote queue and alias queue when we want to put the messages in multiple queue managers at a time.
We can able to duplicate the original message which is put into a local queue, this configuration of the stream queue has been configured according to the queue basis.
There are two modes of operation available for the streaming queue.
Best Efforts (bestef)
It is a default one, used when we do not want the original application to be affected by the streaming queue. When the streaming queue is full when a message is put by the application it will be moved to the local queue for processing, when the queue manager is not able to move a copy of messages.
Must Duplicate:
This option is useful when a message comes to the local queue the queue manager must duplicate the message to the streaming queue.
The streaming queue will duplicate the messages to the alias queue and local queue.
NOTE: We can able to stream the messages to the remote queue and alias queue but we can’t stream the messages from the remote queue and local queue.