Top 5 ReactJS Techniques for Faster UI Development
1. Investigate and evaluate the design
You must analyze the design and take many patterns into account when building the user interface for the app using this method. Mobile app developers often take at least 30 minutes to evaluate and think through potential strategies and patterns. The following three factors are used for Faster UI Development:
Knowledge Of The Grid System
The site’s designers built it on a grid. Making the site responsive to smaller devices will be simpler for the developers. Developers use flex, grid, or width in percentages depending on the situation to make the site responsive.
This is the only tactic that will require a substantial amount of our time out of all the others. There is, however, a purpose for this. It provides the roadmap for the application and helps us organize our code.
Trying To Find Wraps
What do we precisely mean when we say “wrapper” in this situation? Using kids as props is something that the wrapper does. Assume, for instance, that you have a modal with the identical title, close icon, margin, and padding at three different locations within our app. For it, you’ll make a ModalWrapper component. A card wrapper could be made in a similar manner.
Used Again Components
Making a list of components I can reuse in my program is the next step I’ll take. Examples include buttons, labeled input, mistakes, and so on. To preserve consistency and save time by avoiding writing the same line of code repeatedly, it is essential to describe all reusable components. Reusable parts are altered using props. (Wrappers are also reusable parts, but they need kids, so they’re referred to differently.)
2. Develop Site Data
Since we lack APIs, we commonly encounter a list of data when building UIs; therefore, to speed up the process and make it easier, I create the dummy data and map it as required. Additionally, put it in a brand-new site-data folder.
While connecting APIs, we will delete the folders inside the site data. However, it is totally up to you how you manage the site’s data! You need to use the snippet to create the site data folder. Data, for instance, is regularly encountered when creating user interfaces, creating objects, and exporting them.
With this strategy, you can maintain the cleanliness of your components and have a usable, lightweight CMS for your app.
3. Set State
As a result, be aware of interactive elements in app designs, especially those that use forms, checkboxes, dropdown menus, and other similar features. Always make an effort to create a state that can accept changing data from users.
For forms, I use console.log to log all information sent through the submit button. It was quite helpful and quick when I wanted to integrate APIs.
4. Integrate ESLint
We get help from ESLint to make our code more consistent. They prohibit us from using extraneous imports or variables and demand that we maintain consistency across the project. We must use single quotes across the program for Javascript and double quotes for some attributes, including className and props.
Developers frequently use the Airbnb ESlint coding standard to reduce the number of errors on the fly while saving a substantial amount of time.
5. Integrate Storybook
It’s a great idea to create themes in stories. Adjusting its features and reactivity enables us to build and test our components independently. Other uses include maintaining a component library, a collection of identically made components, spreading it throughout the team for comments, and so forth.
It fully relies on the requirements and nature of the project we are working on. It is not advantageous to use storybooks for landing pages or small apps with a few screens for Faster UI Development.